Key Principles of Conversational User Interfaces UX UI

8 tips for designing an awe-inspiring conversational user interface by Ankita Kapoor It turns a tiresome and time consuming task into a quick and easy one. According to one study, 68% of customers shop elsewhere because they think a brand doesn’t care about them....

What is a Conversational Interface & How Does it Work

Why should Conversational UI matter to your business? Chatbot takes its place in chat products and also serve as stand-alone interfaces to handle requests. Rewinding to the BC days, before chatbots arrived, customers were assisted by shop assistants during their visit...

Chatbots in Retail Uses, Examples, and Benefits

We provide a prompt-heavy bot to provide customers with exactly what they need. Also, note that HelloFresh provides a variety of prompts to help guide the conversation from point A to point B. The bot suggests questions, likely based on the most common questions their...

Best Programming Language for AI Development in 2023 Updated

Despite its flaws, Lisp is still in use and worth looking into for what it can offer your AI projects. Another perk to keep in mind is the Scaladex, an index containing any available Scala libraries and their resources. The pros and cons are similar to Java’s,...
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